Where and when: Sala Polivalentă in Cluj-Napoca, 4pm – 7pm. Admission is free.
Participants: BBU student volunteers of the Office for Students with Disabilities, members of the Student Academic Performance College, members of the Transylvanian Students’ Sports Movement Association, BBU alumni, people with disabilities and staff of associations concerned with people with disabilities.
On December 3rd, 2014, on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, through the Office for Students with Disabilities, BBU students participate in the premiere of the show Be Without Prejudice! dancing together with persons with disabilities from different associations and centers in Cluj-Napoca (persons with Down syndrome and persons using wheelchairs). The show is organized by the Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Cluj, in collaboration with TVR Cluj and TVR 1. BBU students will be involved in a disability awareness flashmob and a sports dance moment. Alongside the BBU students will also dance the dog dancing team of the Pet Joy Dog Training School, Iulia Lazăr and the therapy dog, Bailey, who have been introduced to the students during the various animal-assisted therapy programs held at UBB. The therapy dog Bailey will dance for the first time to a musical song composed and performed by the little girl Mara Prună, from the Association Autism Transylvania.
The participation of BBU students in the show Without prejudices! is part of the series of actions organized within the Office for Students with Disabilities, aiming at interactive education of students through direct interaction with people with special needs.