Centre of Assistive Technology and Access
(CATA, Department of Special Education, Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education, Babes-Bolyai University) – The main objective of CATA is to promote the assistive and access technology among the visually impaired students, at institutional and individual levels:
Angel Association Dog (Satu-Mare)
provides information regarding the training and acquisition of guide dogs (seeing dogs) for visually impaired persons (president: Szabo Zoltan).
Dog Assist Association (Cluj-Napoca)
collaborator in the Keep Calm with Dogs program, together with volunteers of the Association and students of BBU and USAMV CN
Autism Transilvania Association (Cluj-Napoca)
collaborator in several research programs (e.g. http://humananimalforautism.wordpress.com/), as well as in educational and social activities related to the therapy and social inclusion of persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their caregivers.
Association of Reciprocal Aid Cluj-Napoca (A.D.A.M.)
the Association targets the development of a complementary system for the socio-medical services that are currently existing at local level, in the direction of the improvement of human Quality of Life