Where and when: OSD Headquarters, Dormitory III, Hasdeu Student Complex, 11 October 2014, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Participants: BBU students, BBU alumni volunteers, Autism Transylvania Association (children and specialists).
The BBU Office for Students with Disabilities, in collaboration with the Autism Transylvania Association, together with students (ASPR and other student volunteers) and UBB alumni volunteers will be involved in the creation of interactive trails within the Hasdeu Student Complex (the alleys around the dormitories 1-6), with alternative spatial orientation value by activating senses, cognitions and emotions. The benches and pathways will be personalized, and signs will be made of biodegradable materials, donated by the Association Autism Transilvania (wood, cardboard, etc.). Examples of ideas for personalizing spatial elements: “The bench of dear memories from school”, “The bench of favorite ice-cream taste”, Happy Space (etc.). Intersections, staircases, association headquarters, etc. will also be marked in an interactive way. A map with directions will also be developed to provide the most interactive routes.
Before starting the action, the students will receive instructions about the interactive spaces from specialists from the Association Autism Transylvania and from UBB students who participated in the international internships of the Co-constructing Healthy Experiences project (dynamic prototyping; UBB team coordinator: Prof. Dr. Alina S. Rusu). After the marking of the space in Hasdeu, on the same day, the students will guide some children with autism from the Autism Association Transylvania. The trail can be used later for such therapeutic spatial orientation actions and other student activities (Treasure Hunting, Team Building etc.).
The action has the value of interactive accessibility of the Hasdeu complex, as well as to bring UBB students in contact with people with disabilities, given that the variable “direct contact with people with disabilities” has a significant impact on our attitudes and knowledge about disabilities. Also, students from the Faculties of Psychology and Educational Sciences (all specializations) and Sociology and Social Work will be able to benefit from internships with children with autism within the classes of spatial orientation skills development that can be held on request in the Hașdeu Student Complex.